Simi Kamal
Advisor PHWI
To address Pakistan’s water challenges we have to produce the requisite science and research for nurturing the next generation of water professionals – young women and men who can serve water sectors including agriculture, industry, cities, municipalities, domestic use, water for nature and cultural uses. We need to change the way people think about water, make policies on water, build water infrastructure, act around water and take decisions regarding water.

Please make your Cheques/Pay Orders /Direct Deposits/ Inter Bank Financial Transfers payable to:
Account Title: Hisaar Foundation-PHWI
Bank: Al Habib Limited, Zamzama Branch
Account No: 1005-0081-021547-03-5
IBAN: PK69BAHL1005008102154703
Water is Life and it is Everyone’s Responsibility
An Existential Threat
Pakistan is facing a severe water crisis. If left unaddressed, it will become an existential threat to Pakistan, as water is directly linked to agriculture, economy, poverty alleviation, food and livelihood security. Therefore, we must act now and with the utmost urgency.
The Solution
The Panjwani-Hisaar Water Institute (PHWI) is an institute designed for the 21st century that addresses all aspects of water by integrating engineering, social sciences and economic streams into holistic water studies. The Institute is the first of its kind in the region.
The Programs
The Institute offers academic programs and research opportunities that greatly benefit business, industry, government and society by producing scientists, engineers, sociologists and infrastructure professionals at different levels required to meet the mounting challenges faced by Pakistan.
Sponsorship Options
Please help us raise PKR 555 million for the building by sponsoring one or more of the options given below.
Your generous donation will be gratefully acknowledged by putting up a plaque honoring your contributions at a location related to the option sponsored by you. Please make your Cheques/Pay Orders payable to “Hisaar Foundation – PHWI”.

Hisaar Foundation
Brings the experience of intellectual capital and building consensus and partnerships for rational use of water.

NED University of Engineering & Technology
Provided land and the necessary academic umbrella for setting up the institute.

Panjwani Charitable
Providing generous seed donation and the institutional experience of setting up a cutting-edge institute.
The Laboratories
The Institute has 5 laboratories that are fully equipped with the latest technologies related to water. Many of the labs are available for the first time in Pakistan. These laboratories are:
Coastal and Riverine Hydraulics Lab
Water Quality Testing Lab
Water Ecology and Remediation Lab
Water Data Analytics & Modelling Lab
Water Psychology & Behavioral Science Lab
Key Milestones

Groundbreaking ceremony of Panjwani Hisaar Water Institute

Inauguration ceremony of the Academic Programme
Groundbreaking ceremony
May 2019
Launch of Academic Programme
Aug 2019
Start of Construction
Oct 2020
Institute is Operational
Mar 2023
Further Information
For further information or to make donations, please contact:
Simi Kamal
Chairperson and CEO Hisaar Foundation
Advisor PHWI
0333 214 2325
[email protected]
Sanaa Baxamoosa
Director, External Relations
0333 382 9667
[email protected]
Supporting Partners

Architects & Designers


MEP Consultants

Chartered Accountants
