While the government and its various agencies talk of water, there is no clear leadership or “ownership” exhibited by them in pushing this agenda to the forefront of national priorities. The civil society and the private sector also lag behind on making appropriate water management a high priority. Pakistan does not have an agreed water policy to guide water management and conservation, resulting in inconsistent and ad hoc handling of water systems and operations across the country, mediated largely by power play among entrenched interests.
Today there is no formal multi-stakeholder platform on rational use of water to collaborate and develop joint approaches for overcoming water challenges.
Following its international conference held in December 2013, “Water Cooperation in Action – From the Global to the Grassroots” and issuance of Karachi Declaration on Water Initiatives 2013, Hisaar Foundation has developed a three-pronged approach to move forward: a Think Tank on the Rational Use of Water, a Universities for Water Network and a draft water policy for the consideration of the government.
The main purpose of the Think Tank is to provide national leadership in Pakistan on the crucial issue of promoting the rational use of water, its improved management and providing policy directions.

Meeting with the President of Pakistan – 13th meeting of Hisaar Foundation Think Tank on Rational Use of Water
President Dr Arif Alvi has said that water scarcity is a massive challenge for the country, as it is a matter of life and death for our coming generation. He said this during a briefing by Hissar Foundation on Water issues at Aiwan-e-Sadr on Thursday. The President emphasized that water preservation and conservation is need of the hour. He underscored that we will have to develop a comprehensive & dynamic water policy to meet the future needs of the country. He added that for this purpose comprehensive data must be collected, related and analyzed in order to make right decisions. The President underlined that we must utilize modern research and technologies for the conservation of water. He also stated that all universities and relevant departments must promote and provide base for further research on this issue. He stressed that there is a dire need to enhance public motivation and awareness to preserve water through media.